Once you set up your account in shinyapps.io, you can configure the rsconnect package to use your account. Account names may not begin with a number or a dash, and they can not end with a dash (see RFC 952). Account names must be between four and 63 characters and can contain only letters, numbers, and dashes (-). Shinyapps.io uses the account name as the domain name for all your apps.

The first time you sign in, shinyapps.io prompts you to set up your account. Go to shinyapps.io and click “Dashboard.” The site will ask you to sign in using your email and password, your Google account, or your GitHub account. You can install it by running the R command: install.packages ( 'rsconnect' )Īfter the rsconnect package has been installed, load it into your R session: library ( rsconnect ) Create a shinyapps.io account The rsconnect package is now hosted on CRAN. The rsconnect package deploys applications to the shinyapps.io service.

The latest version of the rsconnect R package.An R development environment, such as the RStudio IDE.This article will show you how to create a shinyapps.io account and deploy your first application to the cloud.īefore you get started with shinyapps.io, you will need: That means the input is dynamic and can is a platform as a service (PaaS) for hosting Shiny web apps (applications). In order to interpret this information on the server side we need to tell the server that this is reactive input. The value of the selected input can be used on the server side by referring to with input$variable where variable is the inputId we defined on the ui side. Looks good! Now we need to go back to the server side and make use of this input selection. # shinyUI( # fluidPage( # sidebarLayout( # sidebarPanel( selectInput( inputId = "country", # essential! give the input a name that you will need on the server side label = "Select country", # text displayed in your app choices = unique(gapminder $country), # input to choose from, here all gapminder countries selected = "Netherlands") # define default # ), # mainPanel( # plotOutput("plot") # ) # ) # ) # ) 21.1.2 Showing distributions alongside scatterplots.19.1.1 Recreating the graph with more manual labour.15.3 Other ways to visualize two continuous variables.15.1.3 Regression lines for different groups.15.1.2 Manually adding regression lines.15 Visualizing two continuous variables.13.3 Using multiple datasets in one graph.11.4 An important note on mean-error-plots.11.2.1 Using the built-in mean_se() function.8.2.1 Position = stack/dodge/fill/identity.You’ll learn the virtue of patience as R frustrates you:.You can not-always-easily-but-beautifully visualise stuff:.

You can easily and beautifully visualise stuff:.You’ll learn about the wonderful world of coding:.You can also do fancy “state-of-the-art” analysis stuff, for example:.You can do ‘standard’ analysis, like linear regression:.