Late summer planting has the distinct advantage of producing bigger plants with more flowers. Allow the substrate to dry out between waterings once plants are established.Ĭover the crown with about 1 inch of potting medium.ĭrench with Sumagic at 1 ppm when grown under greenhouse conditions. Water thoroughly after potting, and keep evenly moist until plants are established. It's best to prune the roots rather than to scrunch them into the pot.įor potting soil use commercial potting media. Root Trimming: Prune roots according to pot depth. This rust does not overwinter in our zone 5 Michigan climate and is therefore not a problem for daylilies which are purchased from Walters Gardens, Inc.

In warmer climates, a daylily rust called Puccinia hemerocallidis can be a problem. There are also a few leaf spot and leaf streak foliage diseases that may be found. Cool, wet weather may bring on fusasium or rhizoctonia. Crown rot sometimes occurs after overwintering. Apply a controlled release fertilizer incorporated at a rate of 1 lb of nitrogen per yard of growing meda, or 50-100 ppm nitrate delivered under a constant liquid fertilizer program.Īphids, spider mites, and thrips are the most common pests. Actively growing daylilies are moderate feeders. Grower's Corner Grower's Corner Grower's Cornerįertilizing is not necessary during the first few weeks of production.Proven Winners ® Proven Winners ® Proven Winners ®.